How to Go from an Unhealthy Relationship to Healthy – 9 of 21
I went from a narcissistic, abusive relationship to a really healthy supportive loving relationship where I could be open and honest with my likes and dislikes.
However, you cannot get to a healthy relationship by just leaving a crummy one. You stayed in the toxic relationship because there were unhealed parts of you that allowed the abuse to happen.
Once you heal those parts of you, you will attract someone who is vibrating on that higher frequency. You will have healthy boundaries that will not tolerate or settle for a person like that.
In this video, I share how I went from deciding I was ready and asking the universe for guidance, to an hour later talking to Paul outside on the street. It all just unfolded so beautifully and naturally.
This can happen for you too and I am confident in this. In fact, I have helped others attract the love of their life too by doing some profound and empowering healing.
Without further ado, How to Go From An Unhealthy Relationships to Healthy in my 21 series.